2020 Goals: Blogging, Routine, Fitness & More!

Okay, now it’s the most wonderful time of the year – goal setting time! I absolutely love setting goals and resolutions for myself, and there’s no better time to do so than the beginning of a new year. 

In 2020, my goals are largely based around health and wellness. I have achieved quite a few of my material goals over the last few years, like buying a house and adopting a dog; now it’s time to focus on improving my fitness, eating habits and mental wellness. I also want to grow my business and nurture my relationships. 

Here are some of the resolutions I’ve made for 2020.

Create and stick to a healthy routine 

I want to become more of a creature of habit and stick to a healthy routine that improves my mind, body and soul. This includes writing in my morning journal every day, making my bed (UGH), eating well, working out consistently, walking Odie consistently, taking creative breaks and spending less time with technology. 

2020 Goals: Blogging, Healthy Routine, Fitness & More! || 5 Minute Journal every morning.

Earn half of my income from my blog

A big focus for me this year will be to grow my blog, Instagram and LIKEtoKNOW.it to be tools that earn half of my income. This is a pretty big goal, but it is one that I am determined to work towards! I am passionate about this little blog of mine and I’m excited to make it something that others enjoy as much as I do!

Workout 3-4 days per week

This is one that I have had a bit of a roller coaster time with. In the summer, I can easily commit to this, but I struggle in the winter! In 2020, I want to step up my fitness game. I plan to try new classes, like pilates and spin, attend Kirby’s Tabata class every week, complete at-home workouts via the Nike Training App and hike with Odie regularly, on top of my weekly soccer game.

Design my home office

Working from home, I definitely need an inspiring space to get my work done. Presently, that is a desk next to the washer/dryer and the TV is in close proximity – not good. I want something simple and functional, but also inspiring. 

2020 Goals: Blogging, Healthy Routine, Fitness & More! || Office Design
Photo from Pinterest

I’m thinking something like the above photo – simple, with a big, beautiful desk!

Cook a new meal once a week

Improving my cooking skills was one of my goals for 2019, and I believe that I accomplished that goal! I have a few tried and true meals that I can make now, but I want to expand that list in 2020. I will aim to cook one new meal each week. I’m sure that some will be huge flops, but I’ll call it a success if I can find a few more staples to add to my arsenal.

Plan a weekly date night with Kirby

We were doing so good with this one for a while! This year, I want to make weekly date nights with Kirby a priority. We spend a lot of time working together, playing soccer together and taking care of the house and Odie, but we need to carve out more time to go out and enjoy each other’s company.

2020 Goals: Blogging, Healthy Routine, Fitness & More! || Plan a weekly date night.

Grow a vegetable garden

This goal is already in the works. Last summer, we built the base for a garden in our backyard for two reasons. One, to eventually grow vegetables, and two, to keep Odie away from that spot on the fence. When warm weather hits, I want to fill that baby with soil and plant some tomatoes, cucumber, kale and a few other favourites.

Most of my goals for 2020 are small and attainable habits that I want to include in my day to day life, with a few that will give me tangible results. 

What are your goals for 2020, or better yet, for this next decade?!

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