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10 Random Facts About Me

Did you know that I have a dog named Odie? Or that I own a 1960’s fixer-upper house? If you found me on social media, then yes, I’m sure you know these things, but there are definitely some things that you wouldn’t know about me based on my IG feed. Read on for 10 totally random facts about me!

#1 I competed in public speaking competitions.

When I was younger, I did a couple of public speaking competitions, and I did fairly well in them. At the time, I thought I was doing horribly because my voice was so quiet, not very powerful and I would tremble! Now I know that I was successful in those competitions because I have the gift of storytelling. It’s a great reminder that it’s often not about having the loudest voice, but sharing the strongest words.

#2 I love writing the beginning of stories.

Speaking of storytelling, I have penned many fictional stories… but none of them have endings. Or even middles for that matter. Do you think I should publish a book that has the beginning of like 20 different stories? Would you read it? Like a choose your own middle and end type book ?

#3 I was a toothless wonder.

I did not have front teeth up top until I was seven! For most of my childhood, I sported the vampire fangs and nothing in between. I had mouth surgery at two years-old, at which time my “baby teeth” were extracted because they were just little bumps in my gums. 

#4 Tomatoes are my favourite food.

Tomatoes are my favourite food. Specifically, cherry tomatoes. I could eat those things all day, every day. My sister got me a tomato plant for my birthday, and I’ve grown a few juicy ones, but honestly, I’m pretty bad with plants.

#5 I always go to this Disneyland attraction first.

I have been to Disneyland many times, and I always have to go to the Enchanted Tiki Room before ANYTHING else. This has been a tradition for me and my family for a long time. It reminds me of my Great Grandma, because she used to live in Hawaii and she loved beautiful birds!

#6 Making decisions while shopping is a strength of mine.

I am a very decisive shopper. When I walk into a store, I don’t want to hunt for things. I only grab something if it jumps out at me and I’m super quick in the fitting rooms. It has to be a HELL YES, or I’m not buying it.

#7 I’ve finally caught the travel bug.

I’ve never been outside of North America. I haven’t been very interested in travel until the last year or two. Now, my travel bucket list includes Greece and Hawaii. Where else should I go?

(Help me pin some travel destinations on Pinterest!)

#8 I want to improve my hair care and styling skills.

If there is one thing that I want to get better at, it is taking care of and styling my hair. I get bored with my hair VERY easily, so I chop it and then I regret it. ????? I want to learn how to keep it healthy and smooth, and how to style it so that I don’t get bored!

#9 I love money.

I am very passionate about money ?. That sounds weird, but for real; I love to earn, save and manage my money. I definitely do not adhere to the typical money management techniques, like putting 50% of your income to this, 30% to that and 20% to another thing. I have my own style and it works for me. Does that mean that I don’t constantly worry about money and having enough of it? HELL NO. I’m human after all.

#10 ?? Peppers, Onions or Mushrooms

I don’t eat peppers, onions or mushrooms. I have always despised them and I know when they are in a meal, no matter how small they are. Many people have tried to convince me that I’ll like them now that I’m older – I don’t. Just give up, please.

We all have our little quirks, and these are 10 of mine! Can you relate to any of these?

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